Monday, October 22, 2012

Existence of God

Existence of God

What God is Actually

-Only Hub Team

There have been long debates on the topic of existence of god or a godly power that governs the universe. Today we feel a need of such a power or deity that could save us from the tensions of this world.

You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself. 
Swami Vivekananda

God or what we call a supernatural or transcendental being, who is supposed to to control this entire universe using not even his senses.

This supernatural being is today nearly or totally forgotten and so the people have nearly forgotten the ways in which they used to remain happy or enjoying the way of life.

When we look at this life we see that at many places we need the help of a being who is supernatural but we don't know how or where to find him or if he actually exists.

Well that is the question we will try to solve in this post. Whether god Exists or not or if someone controls this universe or not or is there some particle that exists inside each one of us and is responsible for carrying us in times when the situation  is out of control.

To start with scientists have discovered the god particle that confirm to the theory that God is there in everyone of us, but what have they been mistaken in is that thinking that God is just a particle which might be similar to electrons o protons, probably it will take us some time to reach to God using science and technology and it is said that God can only be reached by love and not by philosophies and worldly knowledge. It might be possible that god is even smaller than the particles visible through those instruments and thus can not be seen.

According to an other theory God created the universe, and anything inside the universe can have
no way to reach out of this universe so I believe that God can never be reached through Science.
When God is there the next question arises that where is he?
The answer is simple in our hearts
that is why we say always listen to your heart when you see no way out.

How does god look like?
He has no form, look around you every thing that is visible to you has God in it, from the little ant to the might elephants everything has got a little God in a simple form.

We are all a part of the God, he is situated in all of us he knows what we are doing, he is our inner conscience, he always shows us the right path, weather we follow it or not.

God isn't visible to us, why?
He is not because you were not searching for him but for the material desires you have to fulfill by meeting him, for example God give me a new car god give me a new car, bike, job etc .

To meet him you have to love him to know that a God is there and he loves me and I should return the favor.

The material world has covered our senses with the perceptions of this world so we can not see through them or speak through them to a God that lives inside us.


rockinmaxx said...

nicee post..... :)

Only Hub Team said...

thnxx !! see more about spirtuality in

rockinmaxx said...

i'll go thru... ;)