Sunday, December 2, 2012

Google Transparency Report

Google Transparency Report

How Transparent?

Google Transparency report is something that tells us about the realities of government that are hidden from us.
It was First released in 2010 and then Biyearly. Now is the 6th edition of the report through which Google tells us that what all data has been removed and what all data was marked for removal by the Government.

The statistics show that that the data for removal by the government is increasing per year which in turn means that the data is constantly being monitored.

The Graph below shows the number of Requests by the Governments for handing over user data:
20, 938 is not a Less Number which means that after wiki leaks the Governments around the world have become more aware of their web presence.

The following graph shows the data removal from google site 
In countries like China the data removed on government is 25% which is high, but many of the requests are legitimate too.

With the Arab Spring it was Expected that the number of pages to be removed this time will be much higher than the last times and that is what has happened.

Google says that it is also receiving falsified orders and thus has to verify the legitimacy of each order before executing it.

according to them it is the following vision that they have with this report

" Our hope is that over time, more data will bolster public debate about how we can best keep the Internet free and open."

you can check all the reports and data here

image courtsey Google

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